rearranging layers

rearranging layers

The order in which the layers of an image are organized is called the stacking order.
The stacking order determines how the image is viewed—you can change the order
to make certain parts of the image appear in front of or behind other layers.
You’ll rearrange the layers so that the beach image is in front of another image that
is currently hidden in the file.

1 Make the Postage, HAWAII, Flower, Pineapple and Background layers visible by
   clicking the Show/Hide Visibility column next to their layer names.

The beach image is almost entirely blocked by images on other layers.

2  In the Layers panel, drag the Beach layer up so that it is positioned between the
    Pineapple and Flower layers—when you’ve positioned it correctly, you’ll see a
    thick line between the layers in the panel—and then release the mouse button.

The Beach layer moves up one level in the stacking order, and the beach image
appears on top of the pineapple and background images, but under the flower
and “HAWAII.”

Changing the opacity of a layer

You can reduce the opacity of any layer to let other layers show through it. In this
case, the postmark is too dark on the flower. You’ll edit the opacity of the Postage
layer to let the flower and other images show through.

1  Select the Postage layer, and then click the arrow next to the Opacity box to
    display the Opacity slider. Drag the slider to 25%. You can also type the value in
    the Opacity box or scrub the Opacity label.

The Postage layer becomes partially transparent, so you can see the other layers
underneath. Notice that the change in opacity affects only the image area of the
Postage layer. The Pineapple, Beach, Flower and HAWAII layers remain opaque.

2  Choose File > Save to save your work.

Duplicating a layer and changing the blending mode

You can apply different blending modes to a layer. Blending modes affect how the
color pixels on one layer blend with pixels in the layers underneath. First you’ll use
blending modes to increase the intensity of the image on the Pineapple layer so that
it doesn’t look so dull. Then you’ll change the blending mode on the Postage layer.
(Currently, the blending mode for both layers is Normal.)

1  Click the eye icons next to the HAWAII, Flower, and Beach layers to hide them.
2  Right-click or Control-click the Pineapple layer, and choose Duplicate Layer from
    the context menu. (Make sure you click the layer name, not its thumbnail, or you’ll
    see the wrong context menu.) Click OK in the Duplicate Layer dialog box.

A layer called “Pineapple copy” appears above the Pineapple layer in the
Layers panel.

tool tips from the Photoshop

Blending effects

Blending layers in different order or a different grouping changes the effect. You
can apply a blending mode to an entire layer group and get a very different result
than if you apply the same blending mode to each of the layers individually. When
a blending mode is applied to a group, Photoshop treats the group as a single
merged object and then applies the blending mode. Experiment with blending
modes to get the effect you want.

3  With the Pineapple copy layer selected, choose Overlay from the Blending
    Modes menu in the Layers panel.

The Overlay blending mode blends the Pineapple copy layer with the Pineapple
layer beneath it to create a vibrant, more colorful pineapple with deeper shadows
and brighter highlights.

4  Select the Postage layer, and choose Multiply from the Blending Modes menu.
   The Multiply blending mode multiplies the colors in the underlying layers with
   the color in the top layer. In this case, the postmark becomes a little stronger.

5 Choose File > Save to save your work.

resizing and rotating layers

You can resize and transform layers.

1  Click the Visibility column on the Beach layer to make it visible.
2  Select the Beach layer in the Layers panel, and then choose Edit > Free
    Transform. A Transform bounding box appears around the beach image.
    The bounding box has handles on each corner and each side.

First, you’ll resize and angle the layer.

3 Press Shift as you drag a corner handle inward to scale the beach photo down
   by about 50%. (Watch the Width and Height percentages in the options bar.)
4 With the bounding box still active, position the pointer just outside one of the
   corner handles until it becomes a curved double arrow. Drag clockwise to rotate
   the beach image approximately 15 degrees. You can also enter 15 in the Set
   Rotation box in the options bar.

5  Click the Commit Transform button ( ) in the options bar.
6  Make the Flower layer visible. Then, select the Move tool ( ), and drag the
    beach photo so that its corner is tucked neatly beneath the flower, as in the
7 Choose File > Save.

using a filter to create artwork
Next, you’ll create a new layer with no artwork on it. (Adding empty layers to a file
is comparable to adding blank sheets of acetate to a stack of images.) You’ll use this
layer to add realistic-looking clouds to the sky with a Photoshop filter.

1 In the Layers panel, select the Background layer to make it active, and then click
the New Layer button ( ) at the bottom of the Layers panel.

A new layer, named Layer 1, appears between the Background and Pineapple layers.
The layer has no content, so it has no effect on the image.

2 Double-click the name Layer 1, type Clouds, and press Enter or Return to
   rename the layer.
3 In the Tools panel, click the Foreground Color swatch, select a sky
   blue color from the Color Picker, and click OK. We selected a color
   with the following values: R=48, G=138, and B=174. The Background
   Color remains white.
4 With the Clouds layer still active, choose Filter > Render > Clouds. Realisticlooking
   clouds appear behind the image.

5 Choose File > Save.